Sea of Change Foundation Award

November 19, 2019


Lifetime Explorer – 2019

As the recipient of this esteemed award, I wish to thank the Foundation’s Board of Directors, the Board of Advisors and the Director of Conservation and Outreach, Samantha Whitcraft.  The recent DEMA Convention in Orlando for the dive community was the opportunity to meet most of these long-time leaders in the scuba diving community – and who care about our oceans.  Getting to know Samantha was a pleasure and only confirmed the mission of the Foundation, to create positive change, has important and worthy areas of focus;

  • Coral Reefs: Restoration & Resilience
  • Ocean Pollution: Public Awareness & Action
  • Threatened Species and Habitats.

All these topics are the lead of subject matters that count in protecting what we, as divers, care about.  In addition, Sea of Change Foundation provides grants to engaged divers who feel the passion to participate in creating positive change, especially via the Reef Rescue and Rapid Response Grant.

I am especially thrilled to see the collaboration and support by Aggressor Adventures and their Green the Fleet program which strives to make the liveaboard lifestyle environmentally sustainable for divers and the health of our oceans. In addition to the ocean experience, I am especially thrilled to see the inclusion of opportunities by the Aggressor Safari Lodge in Sri Lanka and the Nile Queen in Egypt.  These exceptional destinations provide an education opportunity for visitors to engage with the rich culture and amazing wildlife. This blending of experiences for guests highlights the importance to connect with the indigenous peoples of the world – man is, in fact, a part of nature. The Foundation helps support  Project Orange Elephant in Sri Lanka that works with the communities living in the environments alongside the populations of Asian elephants.

Foundation Board Chairman, Wayne Brown, presenting the Lifetime Explorer Award at the Sea of Change Foundation’s annual fundraiser Coral Reefs Forever Gala, at DEMA 2019 in Orlando, FL.


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